Lynn Turner

Lynn in “Redheads”

Playboy Playmate Lynn Turner in Redheads
Playboy Playmate Lynn Turner in Redheads

Lynn Turner, Playmate of the Month January 1956, pictured in the book “Playboy: Redheads” (2005)

Lynn Turner

Lynn in Japanese NSS

Playboy Playmates Lynn Turner, Marilyn Hanold, Linda Vargas and Eve Meyer in Japanese NSS Playmates Collection 3

Lynn Turner, Playmate of the Month January 1956, (bottom right) pictured along with Marilyn Hanold, Linda Vargas and Eve Meyer Japanese NSS Playmates Collection 3, 1984

Lynn Turner

Lynn in Playmate of the Month image

Playboy Playmate Lynn Turner in her Playmate of the Month photo

Lynn Turner, Playmate of the Month January 1956, pictured in her Playmate of the Month photo

Lynn Turner

Lynn in Playmates Revisited

Playboy Playmates Lynn Turner and Rusty Fisher in Playmates Revisited pictorial

Lynn Turner, Playmate of the Month January 1956, (left) pictured in pictorial, Playmates Revisited 1956, April 1964

Lynn Turner

Lynn in digital images

Lynn Turner, Playmate of the Month January 1956

Lynn Turner

Lynn in digital image of centerfold

Playboy Playmate Lynn Turner

Lynn Turner, Playmate of the Month January 1956, pictured in digital image of her centerfold

Lynn Turner

Lynn in The Playmate Book

Playboy Playmates Lynn Turner and Marguerite Empey in The Playmate Book

Lynn Turner, Playmate of the Month January 1956, (top) pictured in “The Playmate Book: Five Decades of Centerfolds” (1996)

Lynn Turner

Lynn in NSS Playmates — The First Fifteen Years

Playboy Playmates Lynn Turner, Alice Denham and Marian Stafford in NSS Playmates - The First Fifteen Years

Lynn Turner, Playmate of the Month January 1956, (top right) pictured in NSS Playmates — The First Fifteen Years, 1983

Lynn Turner

Lynn in Playmate Calendar

Playboy Playmate Lynn Turner in 1958 Playmate Calendar

Lynn Turner, Playmate of the Month January 1956, pictured in 1958 Playmate Calendar

Lynn Turner

Lynn in NSS Pocket Playmates

Playboy Playmates Lynn Turner, Marguerite Empey and Marian Stafford in Pocket Playmates 6

Lynn Turner, Playmate of the Month January 1956, (bottom) pictured in NSS Pocket Playmates 6, 1997