Jonnie Nicely

Jonnie in Japanese NSS Playmates Collection 1

Playboy Playmate Jonnie Nicely in Japanese Playboy NSS Playmates Collection 1

Jonnie Nicely, Playmate of the Month August 1956, pictured in Japanese NSS Playmates Collection 1, 1982

Jonnie Nicely

Jonnie in Playmate of the Month pictorial

Playboy Playmate Jonnie Nicely in Playmate of the Month pictorial
Playboy Playmate Jonnie Nicely in Playmate of the Month pictorial
Playboy Playmate Jonnie Nicely in Playmate of the Month pictorial
Playboy Playmate Jonnie Nicely in Playmate of the Month pictorial
Playboy Playmate Jonnie Nicely in Playmate of the Month pictorial
Playboy Playmate Jonnie Nicely in Playmate of the Month pictorial

Jonnie Nicely, Playmate of the Month August 1956, pictured in Playmate of the Month pictorial, Command Performance. The text accompanying the photos read:


A near Miss makes a curvy comeback

Playboy readers are a strongly partisan bunch, quick to tell us when they like something – or when they don’t. Last October, we were faced with the delightful dilemma of choosing between two potential Playmates, each lovely in her own way. We hemmed, hawed, made our choice; and in addition to the Playmate proper, we printed photos of the girl who didn’t quite make it. The result was a deluge of letters telling us we were blind as the well-known bat and should have picked the other girl. The other girl’s name was, and is, Jonnie Nicely. She’s Miss August, and we’re glad. It grieved us to turn her down before.

Jonnie Nicely

Jonnie in 1958 Playmate Calendar

Playboy Playmate Jonnie Nicely in Playmate Calendar

Jonnie Nicely, Playmate of the Month August 1956, pictured in 1958 Calendar

Janet Pilgrim Jonnie Nicely

Jonnie and Janet in Playmates Revisited 1956

Playboy Playmates Janet Pilgrim, Jonnie Nicely and Alice Denham in Playmates Revisited 1956 pictorial

Jonnie Nicely, Playmate of the Month August 1956, (left) and Janet Pilgrim, Playmate of the Month July 1955, (bottom right) pictured in pictorial, Playmates Revisited 1956, April 1964

Jonnie Nicely

Jonnie in NSS Pocket Playmates 6

Playboy Playmates Jonnie Nicely, Elsa Sorensen and Alice Denham in NSS Pocket Playmates 6

Jonnie Nicely, Playmate of the Month August 1956, (center) pictured in NSS Pocket Playmates 6, 1997

Jonnie Nicely

Jonnie in NSS Playmates – The First Fifteen Years

Playboy Playmates Jonnie Nicely and Marion Scott in NSS Playmates - The First Fifteen Years

Jonnie Nicely, Playmate of the Month August 1956, (left) pictured in NSS Playmates – The First Fifteen Years, 1983

Jonnie Nicely Lynn Turner

Jonnie and Lynn in Playboy’s Playmate Review

Playboy Playmates Jonnie Nicely, Lynn Turner and Elsa Sorensen in Playboy's Playmate Review

Jonnie Nicely, Playmate of the Month August 1956, (bottom left) and Lynn Turner, Playmate of the Month for January 1956, (top) pictured in Playboy’s Playmate Review, January 1957

Janet Pilgrim Jonnie Nicely

Janet and Jonnie on cover

Playboy cover

Janet Pilgrim, Playmate of the Month July 1955, and Jonnie Nicely, Playmate of the Month August 1956, pictured on cover, January 1957

Jonnie Nicely

Jonnie in Japanese NSS Playmates 312

Playboy Playmates Jonnie Nicely and Elsa Sorensen in Japanese Playboy NSS Playmates 312

Jonnie Nicely, Playmate of the Month August 1956, (right) pictured in Japanese NSS Playmates 312, 1980